Choose your battles

Choose your battles


International Women’s Day: Warrior pose

Sports people produce little gems of mantras. Choose your battles, said the Chelsea manager Antonio Conte to the England rugby coach Eddie Jones.

Wise words.

One Thursday, I found my yoga teacher in the changing room in a glow. It wasn’t a yoga glow. She gushed so much about a book she was reading that I bought it the next day.

I’ve since recommended it to many people. In fact, I was out with a friend some weeks later and she said  I’ve got this book … I finished her sentence: The Four-hour Work Week! 


In essence, one of Tim Ferris’ arguments is: choose your battles. We can’t do everything.  Too much choice can be stressful. Lack of choice has been attributed to the success of supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl. Children like to know were the boundaries are – they may push them but, in general, they like limits. Less is more.

Antonio and Tim are on to something.